
A new spin on an iconic game. €500,000 in bonuses.

The frantic action of Tetris®. The thrill of Spin & Go’s. One epic experience. It’s Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Boards.

Tetris®+ Spin & Go tournaments will be available to players between February 15-March 29. They can win a share of €12,000 in daily bonuses.

Here’s what players need to know:

  • Players should join Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Boards. There’s one leader board per buy-in and players can join as many leader boards as they want. Players only need to join once per buy-in tier.
  • Players should play Tetris®+ Spin & Go tournaments to clear lines. The number of Line Clears players get will depend on their Spin & Go multiplier and finishing position in the tournament.
  • When players achieve five Line Clears, their level will increase. The higher their level, the more points they’ll get for clearing lines.
  • We’ll calculate daily leader board scores based on levels and the number of Line Clears. This updates at the end of each game.
  • Players can discover how close they are to ‘Game Over’ status by checking their playing field state. Green = good, amber = worsening, red = a lost Spin & Go which could result in ‘Game Over’.

Terms & Conditions

What is the promotion?

‘Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Boards’ is a daily promotion that players can find in the PokerStars client and mobile app. Opt-in is required.

Registering for any Tetris®+ Spin & Go tournament gives players the opportunity to opt-in to daily leader boards. Each Spin & Go buy-in level has its own leader board, and once opted-in, players are automatically eligible to enter any Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Board of that particular buy-in. Players can take part in as many leader boards as they like and can have multiple Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Boards active. Note: progress and scores in one buy-in tier are independent from progress in other buy-ins.

In the Tetris®+ Spin & Go widget, displayed in the lobby and at the table, players will be able to see their progress in that particular leader board. This includes their scorelevelLine Clears and the status of their current playing field.

Line Clears

Line Clears indicate how many lines a player has cleared on that day, and in that Spin & Go buy-in. Their total number of Line Clears is a function of the Spin & Go multiplier and their finishing position, as indicated in the table below:

Finishing position
Line Clears
Spin & Go Multiplier 2x 4 3 2
3x 3 2 1
Over 3x 2 1 1



Players will increase their level every time they reach five Line Clears. The higher their level, the more points players will get for Line Clears.


A player’s score indicates the number of points they’ve earned on the leader board. It is a result of their level and Line Clears each time they play a Tetris®+ Spin & Go tournament. It updates at the end of each Tetris®+ Spin & Go game and determines their position on that daily leader board.

LevelPoints for 1 linePoints for 2 linesPoints for 3 linesPoints for 4 lines
0 40 100 300 1,200
1 80 200 600 2,400
2 120 300 900 3,600
3 160 400 1,200 4,800
n =40*(n+1) =100*(n+1) =300*(n+1) =1200*(n+1)
20 840 2,100 6,300 25,200

Level 20 is the highest level that can be reached.

Playing field

The playing field indicates the state of a players current Tetris® game and the proximity of reaching ‘Game Over’. Their playing field state can change at the end of any Tetris®+ Spin & Go and is a result of their placement and current level. Players must win Spin & Go’s to improve their playing field; failing to win Spin & Go’s will push them closer to the brink of ‘Game Over’.

Green indicates that the playing field is in a good state, amber means it is worsening, and a red state indicates that any Spin & Go which isn’t won in this state might result in the Tetris® game finishing. The table below indicates the likelihood of the state improving or worsening.

Spin & Go placement
LevelImproveNo changeNo changeWorsenNo changeWorsen
0-1 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%
2-5 80% 20% 80% 20% 50% 50%
6-9 60% 40% 60% 40% 40% 60%
10-13 40% 60% 40% 60% 30% 70%
14-17 20% 80% 20% 80% 20% 80%
18-20 20% 80% 20% 80% 10% 90%

Playing fields, levels and scores will update at the end of each Tetris®+ Spin & Go game.

When is this promotion?

This promotion takes place from 15:00 CET on February 15, 2021 and finishes at 05:59 CET on March 29, 2021.

Who is eligible?

This promotion is open to all PokerStars Real Money players.

What will I receive?

Players will receive a bonus if they reach the top of any leader board, based on the following table:

PositionSpin & Go buy-in
1 €10 €30 €50 €100 €150 €250 €350 €600
2 €9 €25 €45 €90 €125 €200 €300 €500
3 €8 €20 €40 €80 €100 €175 €250 €400
4 €7 €15 €35 €70 €80 €150 €200 €300
5 €6 €10 €30 €60 €60 €125 €150 €200
6-10 €5 €5 €20 €50 €40 €100 €100
11-20 €2.5 €5 €10 €40 €30 €50 €50
21-50 €1 €2 €5 €20 €25 €25
51-100 €0.5 €1 €2 €5 €10


  • Only real money Spin & Go tournaments count towards Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Boards.
  • Each day of the leader board starts at 06:00 CET and ends at 05:59 CET.
  • Spin & Go Max and Omaha are excluded from the leader boards, and any promotional Spin & Go tournaments.
  • Spin & Go Flash is included in the leader boards.
  • To have their progress measured in each leader board, players must opt-in to the leader boards. Tournaments played prior to opting-in will not count towards their progress.
  • Players can check their daily progress in the Spin & Go tab within the desktop client, or the Sit & Go tab on mobile. Players can check our standings by visiting the 'Leader Boards' Window.
  • If players reach ‘Game Over’ in any daily leader board, they will need to wait until the following day to start collecting points towards a new one.
  • Bonuses will be credited the following day, at the end of the leader board day.
  • Players with the same score will be ranked based on who posted their score first on a given day.
  • In the case of any suspicious or fraudulent game play/behavior, we reserve the right to exclude players from this offer.

Tetris® & © 1985~2021 Tetris® Holding.
Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding.
The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding.
Licensed to The Tetris Company.
Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov.
All Rights Reserved.

See here for general promotional Terms & Conditions.

Players should visit our Help Center if they have any questions about Tetris®+ Spin & Go Leader Boards.